Consumer Waitlist Information

Consumer Waitlist Policy

NEI3A implements a waitlist when consumers have needs that exceed the agency's funding or staffing capacity. Waitlisted consumers complete program eligibility through the Older Americans Act Services Intake and/or Options Counseling to ensure NEI3A serves consumers of the greatest economic needs, social needs, at risk for institutional placement, and frail. Consumers are assigned a priority score and waitlist position based on needs assessment.

Consumers with needs that are likely to be met within six months are placed on a waitlist. Prior to waitlist placement, consumers are offered the option of paying privately, referred to non-Area Agency on Aging services, and assisted in completing other benefit applications.

Consumers who experience a greater than six-month wait will receive a follow-up from an Aging Specialist to ensure continued eligibility and assess for further unmet needs.

Consumers are removed from the waitlist upon NEI3A securing funding, attrition of current consumers, or expansion of the service program. Additionally, consumers are removed from the waitlist by their choice, securing similar services, or are unable to be reached.

Consumers with an identified service unmet need that is unlikely to become available within six months are not placed on the waitlist.

For additional information, you can download the Consumer Waitlist and Prioritization Policy.

Consumer Waitlist Notification

NEI3A may, from time to time, implement a waitlist for services. This happens due to higher demand for services than the resources available to supply that service.
When the waitlist is in effect, it will impact the entire service area.
If a waitlist is in effect, the consumer shall be notified of the existence of the waitlist at the time of the request for service.  An estimate of the amount of time the consumer may be on the list will be provided based on recent service utilization. If the waitlist is estimated to be six months or longer, the consumer will be notified of this. The consumer may request to be removed from the waitlist at any time.
To better meet the needs of those requesting services, the consumer should:
  • Report to NEI3A, by contacting 800-779-8707 and dialing the number 1, of any changes in their health that may impact their need for services.
  • Inform NEI3A by contacting 800-779-8707 and dialing the number 1, of any changes in address, phone, or other contact information.
  • If they no longer wish to be on the waiting list, please notify NEI3A by contacting 800-779-8707 and asking to be removed from the waiting list.
If unable to contact the consumer regarding the availability of HDM, the consumer may be removed from the list after 3 attempts by phone or home visit within 3 business days.

  • Home Delivered Meals
  • Home and Community-based Services (Homemaker, Chore, Personal Care, Material Aid)
  • Caregiver Respite