A Guide for Caregivers
Without a doubt, the services that the family caregiver provides are invaluable. But being a family caregiver can be stressful. We are here to help! We have put together a Guide for Caregivers to help provide informed decisions about their role as a caregiver. Click the image of the guide to view or download.
Dementia Resource Guide
A diagnosis or symptoms of dementia are overwhelming. Often, people are not sure where to turn for support. This guide was created to help point people living with dementia and their caregivers to the available resources in Iowa. It is organized by topics related to dementia and caregiving. Click the image of the guide to view or download.
Access free training and resources to help you build skills and confidence to provide care at home
Trualta is an online platform designed to help families build skills to manage care at home for their aging loved ones. Improve confidence, reduce stress land prevent burnout by learning care skills. Once you are registered, you have unlimited access to their articles and tips about caring for your loved one.
Trualta is really easy to use. All you will need to start is a computer, tablet, or smartphone. With lessons ranging from 5 minutes to 2 hours, Trualta makes it easy for you to fit caregiver training in whenever it works for you.
To get started visit: ltss-iowa-trualta.com
Staying Connected with Family and Friends with GrandPads
NEI3A has partnered with GrandPads to provide a safe, trusted, easy-to-use device for older adults. Learn more about the program here.
Online Education and Information:
- mmLearn.org offers a wide variety of education and training for caregivers.
- When Dementia Knocks information presented by Dr. Elaine Eshbaugh, Professor of Family Services & Gerontology at the University of Northern Iowa, provides insight into dealing with Alzheimer's and related dementias.
Local Library Resources
Check your local library for the following resources:
- The Magic of Humor in Caregiving by James R. Sherman
- Preventing Caregiver Burnout by James R. Sherman
- Positive Caregiver Attitudes by James R. Sherman
- The Emotional Survival Guide for Caregivers: Looking After Yourself and Your Family While Helping an Aging Parent by Barry J. Jacobs
- The Caregiver’s Essential Handbook: More than 1,200 Tips to Help You Care for and Comfort the Seniors in Your Life by Sandra Choron and Sasha Carr
- Eldercare 911: The Caregiver’s Complete Handbook for Making Decisions by Susan Beerman and Judith Rappaport-Musson
- My Turn: Caring for Aging Parents & Other Elderly Loved Ones: A Daughters Perspective by Sandra W. Haymon
- Passages in Caregiving: Turning Chaos into Confidence by Gail Sheehy
- Coping with Alzheimer’s: A Caregiver’s Emotional Survival Guide by Rose Oliver
- Facing Alzheimer’s: Family Caregivers Speak by Patricia Brown Coughlan
- It Takes More Than Love: A Practical Guide to Taking Care of an Aging Adult by Anita G. Beckerman
- The Home Care Companion’s Quick Tips for Caregivers by Marion Karpinski
- Stages of Senior Care: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Making the Best Decisions by Paula Hogan the 36-hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for Persons with Alzheimer Disease, Related Dementing Illnesses, and Memory Loss in Later Life by Nancy L. Mace
- The Moon in the Water: Reflections of an Aging Parent by Kathy J. Phillips
- A Survival Guide for Family Caregivers, Strength, Support and Sources of Help for All Those Caring for Aging or Impaired Family Members by Jo Horne