Elder Abuse Prevention and Awareness Services

The Elder Abuse Prevention and Awareness Program(EAPA) is dedicated to providing information on services available to at-risk individuals and helping older adults, their families, and caregivers sustain their independence while providing solution-focused options to facilitate safety and well-being.

Learn the Signs of Elder Abuse

Abuse can happen to any older person, by a loved one, a hired caregiver, or a stranger. Abuse can happen at home, at a relative's home, or in an eldercare facility.

There are many types of abuse:

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Sexual
  • Abandonment
  • Financial
  • Neglect

Watch for these signs of abuse:

  • Seems depressed, confused, or withdrawn
  • Isolated from friends and family
  • Has unexplained bruises, burns, or scars
  • Appears dirty, underfed, dehydrated, over-or undermedicated, or not receiving needed care for medical problems
  • Has bed sores or other preventable conditions
  • Recent changes in banking or spending patterns

(National Institue on Aging, 2023)

EAPA is a specialized form of case management that assists at-risk and/or abused persons. 

  • EAPA serves people age 60 and older to identify their risks and then find ways to reduce or eliminate those risks.

These services are free of charge. Anyone concerned about an older person's well-being is encouraged to contact us.

EAPA staff help assist people who voluntarily accept our services. The process includes:

  • A confidential referral and intake process
  • Ongoing assessment of the situation and risks
  • Development of intervention plans to reduce identified risks
  • Continued follow-up until it is agreed our services are no longer needed

If you suspect an older adult is the victim of elder abuse, please download the form below and mail or email the form back to NEI3A.

Email: LLL@nei3a.org

Mail: NEI3A, 3840 W. 9th Street, Waterloo, IA  50702

For more information call toll-free at 1-800-779-8707.Â