Did you “retire” before you were ready to be done working?
Finding the right fit for employment can be difficult for anyone, but it can seem particularly overwhelming for people who are a little older, and who are dealing with the complications of a disability.
The Older Worker Employment Program is a partnership between Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS), Iowa Department on Aging, and Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging (NEI3A). Through this program, we assist job candidates to find and maintain meaningful, competitive employment. In order to qualify, the job candidate must meet all of these criteria:
- 55 years old or older
- Diagnosed with a disability that is a barrier to employment
- Supported through an open case with IVRS
An Employment Specialist meets regularly with the job candidate to accomplish the employment goal that has been set. Support is given as the job candidate builds a resume, identifies references, strategically searches and applies for open positions, sets up informational interviews and job shadow opportunities, practices answering typical interview questions, and ultimately to accepts a job offer! Additionally, the Employment Specialist provides periodic follow-up support for a year after the hire date, to ensure that both the new employee and employer are satisfied, and to help address any issues or questions that might arise.
There is no cost to participate, but you do need to be referred to this program by a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor at IVRS. If you do not currently have a VR Counselor, we can assist you to get started with the IVRS application and orientation process. Once you have completed that process and have been assigned a VR Counselor, job-searching support from the NEI3A Employment Specialist can begin!
Please feel free to contact Sally Leibold at (319) 287-1167 or 319-215-8967 or email sleibold@nei3a.org with any questions about the services and supports available through the Older Worker Employment Program.